Now that we have seen some of the foods useful for tanning, let's see some recipes in which they can be used in order to exploit not only their nutritional and tanning properties, but also to enhance their taste.
A first idea, for a fresh and satisfying breakfast or snack is to prepare a bowl of fresh fruit consisting of cherries, watermelon, peaches, melon and apricots, enriched with yogurt and a couple of our crumbled Soft Amaretti biscuits. And, for the experimenters in the kitchen, lovers of more sophisticated combinations, the addition of basil can make everything more delicious.
If, instead, you feel like an appetizing summer treat, an option that allows you to stay true to your pro-tanning diet, is the Tomato gazpacho flavored with Anchovy Fillets. The recipe, very simple and fast, is based on peppers and tomatoes and enhanced by the addition of Anchovy Fillets in Olive Oil which contribute to making the preparation even more delicious and pleasing to the palate.