
Olive oil for face care: the benefits

Your facial skin is one of your calling cards and requires daily care and attention. Did you know your pantry holds an effective ally for its nourishment?
Besides being an indispensable ingredient in the kitchen, olive oil is a veritable beauty elixir for our skin. Hardly a recent discovery, if we consider that the Phoenicia called it "liquid gold" and the Ancient Greeks used it to soften the skin and add shine to hair. With the passing of the centuries, in-depth studies led to the identification of properties and substances with a beneficial effect on the skin, facial skin in particular.

Olive oil is characterized by hydrating, toning and antioxidant properties, thanks to the presence of precious substances: vitamin E which eliminates free radicals, vitamin A which regenerates the skin, oleic acids which make the skin soft and elastic, and last but not least, polyphenols, natural oxidants which nourish the skin and protect it from damage caused by atmospheric agents and the passing of time.

Olive oil for facial cleansing

One of the main benefits of olive oil on facial skin is its cleansing action. A fat that eliminates another fat? That's right: what may seem paradoxical upon first glance has proven to be an effective method: olive oil dissolves dirt, smog, sebum and make-up on the skin with a deep down yet delicate action.

It's simple: apply half a spoonful of olive oil or EVO oil onto your face after drying and massage thoroughly with your hands, all over. After massaging, rinse your face using either of these options:

  • you can use a damp microfiber cloth, for a gentle scrub action;
  • or, you can remove olive oil from your face with your daily foaming cleanser, for a "dual cleansing" action that is effective yet delicate.

We suggest you try each method to find out which one suits you best at different times of the year, because skin care varies greatly according to individual needs and may require particular attention in different kinds of weather.

The use of oily substances for facial cleansing originates from the Korean beauty routine which places particular emphasis on facial skin care, in a meticulous process consisting of no less than ten steps, including cleansing and moisturizing
Olive oil properties on the skin – Fratelli Carli

A normal exfoliant for normal skins

Olive oil can also be used to make a natural facial scrub that removes impurities and dry the skin, resulting in a gorgeous silky smooth skin sensation. All you need are a few quality ingredients to make an olive oil scrub for your skin.

Sea salt scrub: mix half a spoon of EVO Oil with half a spoon of sea salt then massage onto the T-zone, the area most susceptible to impurities, and lastly, rinse the skin with warm water.

Brown sugar scrub: using exactly the same steps and amounts. Usually brown sugar is better for more sensitive skin.
Olive oil face wrinkles – Fratelli Carli

Olive oil for reducing facial wrinkles

Olive oil is excellent for warding off the appearance of the early signs of aging, thanks to its elasticizing action.

The most widespread form of treatment is also the simplest one: all you need is a few drops of olive oil on a cotton disc: apply onto cleansed and dried skin. The anti-oxidant and smoothing properties of polyphenols and oleic acids will act immediately on the skin, slowing down normal aging and the appearance of early wrinkles.

For an even longer-lasting effect, Olive Oil can be used once a week for targeted anti-wrinkle face massages.
Set aside a few minutes to relax, play your favorite music, light a candle, tie your hair up and cleanse your face.

Apply half a spoon of olive oil onto your face and delicately massage with your hands, following these five simple steps:

  1. start from the chin and massage with your fingertips in a circular motion along your jaw, up to your ears;
  2. now for those nasolabial folds: place your index and middle fingers either side of your lips and delicately massage outwards, letting your fingers glide towards your cheekbones;
  3. massage the cheekbones in a circular motion and slowly make your way towards the temples;
  4. now place the tips of your fingers either side of your nose, press gently and slowly work your way up to the forehead and continue along the entire length of your eyebrows;
  5. don't forget the neck: start from the collarbone and work your way up in a circular motion all the way up to the chin.

For a faster massage that is still effective, use a jade roller, perfect for alleviating puffiness or wrinkles and for adding a freshening touch to the skin. Apply a spoon of oil onto you face and use the roller to massage it in a circular motion, working your way up and outwards.

Once you have finished your massage, dab your face with a cotton disc to remove any excess oil.
Moisturize the skin with olive oil - Fratelli Carli

Moisturize the skin with olive oil

Using olive oil as part of your skincare routine enables you to nourish the skin deep down, thanks to its moisturizing properties.

Boosting moisturization and nourishment for the skin is especially important certain times of the year: in winter, when the skin is subjected to hot and cold air, making it particularly vulnerable to dehydration and drying; during the summer, when the skin yearns for a soothing action after a lengthy exposure to the sun. 
For a moisturized skin simply apply a few drops of olive oil or EVO oil on the face on a regular basis, after your normal evening beauty routine. All it takes is a few minutes for the skin to fully absorb the oil.